Technical Overview

Technical Information

1. Introduction

Onchain AI is a pioneering blockchain platform tailored to integrate artificial intelligence within a decentralized environment. This documentation delves into its architecture, EVM compatibility, testnet phase, consensus mechanism, and much more.

2. Architecture Overview

Onchain AI is structured to fuse AI functionalities seamlessly within the decentralized sphere, empowering developers to construct and deploy AI-integrated solutions on the blockchain.

3. Consensus Mechanism: Delegated Proof-of-Stake (dPoS)

The Onchain AI platform uses dPoS as its consensus mechanism, emphasizing speed, security, and energy efficiency. Within dPoS, delegates, elected by the community, are tasked with producing blocks and validating transactions.

4. EVM Compatibility

Onchain AI boasts EVM compatibility, which means it's capable of executing Ethereum-based smart contracts. This facilitates a smooth experience for developers transitioning from Ethereum or other EVM-compatible platforms.

5. Wallet Support

Onchain AI supports a broad spectrum of self-custodial wallets, including but not limited to:

  • Metamask

  • Trust Wallet

  • Coinbase Wallet

  • Safepal

  • Onchain AI Wallet

These wallets allow users to manage OCAI tokens, interact with smart contracts, and seamlessly connect with the Onchain AI environment.

6. Validators

In dPoS, validators are pivotal. These entities are responsible for the production of blocks and the validation of transactions on the Onchain AI network. Their chief roles encompass:

  • Block production

  • Transaction validation

  • Securing the network's integrity

  • Protocol updates when necessary

7. Setting Up a Validator Node on Mainnet


  • Hardware:

    • CPU: Minimum quad-core processor 4 vCPU

    • RAM: At least 8GB

    • Storage: Minimum 80GB SSD


  1. Software Installation: Download the latest Onchain AI Node software from the official repository.

  2. Configuration: Modify the config.toml to set:

    • Node identity

    • Network parameters

    • Consensus rules

  3. Connect to OCAI Mainnet: Provide the Chain ID (xxxxxx) and the RPC URL.

  4. Stake OCAI Tokens: From 100,000.00 to 1,000,000.00 OCAI tokens must be staked to qualify as a validator, ensuring they have skin in the game.

  5. Run the Node: Initiate the Onchain AI Node software. Upon connection, it will synchronize with the mainnet.

  6. Monitoring: Regularly check the node's performance and update the software when necessary for peak performance and security.

8. Deploying Smart Contracts on Onchain AI

Using Remix:

  1. Access: Navigate to

  2. Load Contract: Input your Solidity contract and ensure the compiler version matches your contract.

  3. Compile: Use the Solidity Compiler tab for compilation.

  4. Connect: In the Deploy & Run Transactions tab, choose Injected Web3 to connect to Onchain AI using a compatible web3 wallet.

  5. Deploy: Select your contract, provide constructor arguments if necessary, and deploy. Confirm the deployment via your wallet.

  6. Interact: Post-deployment, use Remix for contract interactions or check it on

9. Onchain AI Testnet

Key Details:

Claim OCAI Testnet Token:

The OCAI Testnet offers a sandbox environment for developers and enthusiasts to test, develop, and deploy applications without real-world repercussions.

10. Onchain AI Mainnet

Key details:

For collaborations, updates, or inquiries, please liaise with the Onchain AI development team or access our community portals.

Note: Always ensure information is cross-verified with official Onchain AI sources prior to initiating any activities. Further updates will be provided as the platform progresses.

Last updated