Becoming a Validator

Be a part of Onchain AI.


In order to be a OCAI validator, you first must see that you meet the pre-requirements:

  • You know what it means to be a OCAI validator - Becoming a validator.

  • You have at least 100K OCAI tokens or you will have an aggregated delegation of at least 100K OCAI tokens (you can purchase OCAI token on Uniswap).

  • You have an always-on hardware that meets the pre-requisites - Running a validator node


  • Hardware:

    • CPU: Minimum quad-core processor 4 vCPU

    • RAM: At least 8GB

    • Storage: Minimum 80GB SSD

How to become a OCAI validator

To quickly become a validator, follow this steps:

Step 1: Copy source form node-example to root folder

cp -r CoinNetwork/node-example/OCAI  /root/

Step 2: Create an Account

cd /root/OCAI
chmod +x openethereum
./openethereum account new --config nodes/validator/node.toml

Returned address like that 0x00aa39d30f0d20ff03a22ccfc30b7efbfca597c2

Copy result address to mode.toml Ex:

unlock = ["0x00aa39d30f0d20ff03a22ccfc30b7efbfca597c2"]
password = ["password"]

force_sealing = true
engine_signer = "0x00aa39d30f0d20ff03a22ccfc30b7efbfca597c2"
reseal_on_txs = "none"

Step 3: The authority nodes

./openethereum --config ./nodes/validator/node.toml

Step 4: Stake and/or delegate!


To stake OCAI coin, all you should do is sending your OCAI coin to the OCAI Consensus contract address over the OCAI network from the validator address. The OCAI Consensus contract address: 0x01fC95436255bc74A234cE36a280aD3815e5A9A8 The easiest way to do so, is to import your private key or key-store file to your favourite wallet (for example Metamask), switch network to OCAI and send the OCAI coin to the Consensus contract address.

You can find your key-store (containing your private key) and the password for the created account in: /OCAI/nodes/validator/keys/OCAI/UTC--xxxx /OCAI/nodes/validator/node.pwd


To delegate, just send the OCAI tokens from any address to the Consensus contract address with the data: 0x5c19a95c000000000000000000000000<address without 0x>.

{% hint style="success" %} Example:

For the address: 0xb8ce4a040e8aa33bbe2de62e92851b7d7afd52de Use: 0x5c19a95c000000000000000000000000b8ce4a040e8aa33bbe2de62e92851b7d7afd52de as the data.

5c19a95c is for the delegate(address) function signature.

b8ce4a040e8aa33bbe2de62e92851b7d7afd52dein this example is an address you're delegating to (without the 0x prefix) {% endhint %}

Step 5: Wait for 1 cycle (approximately 48 hours).

Wait until the next cycle is started.

{% hint style="success" %} You can see that you are validating both in the health site and on the explorer site. {% endhint %}

For live support, contact us on Telegram. Good luck and happy validating!

Last updated