Onchain AI Wallet

Onchain AI non-custodial wallet

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction and Overview

  2. Key Features

  3. System Architecture

  4. Wallet Security Measures

  5. User Experience and Web3 Interaction

  6. Multi-Chain Compatibility & Supported Assets

  7. Mobile Versions: iOS and Android

  8. Integration with DApps

  9. Back-Up and Recovery Process

  10. FAQs

  11. Support & Troubleshooting

1. Introduction and Overview

The Onchain AI Wallet, currently in its developmental phase, is set to offer a seamless, self-custodial web3 wallet experience. Rooted in the Onchain AI network, it's designed not just for the native ecosystem but with compatibility in mind for other EVM-based chains.

2. Key Features

  • Self-Custodial: Ensuring users retain full control over their cryptographic keys.

  • Web3 Integration: Effortless interactions with decentralized applications.

  • Multi-Chain Support: Beyond Onchain AI, extendable to other EVM chains.

  • Intuitive Design: Streamlined UI/UX tailored for all users.

3. System Architecture

  • Frontend: Harnessing modern frameworks for a responsive user experience.

  • Wallet Core: Centrally manages key functionalities: key generation, signing transactions, and asset management.

  • Blockchain Middleware: Facilitates interactions with Onchain AI and other EVM chains.

  • Local Storage: Securely maintains encrypted wallet settings and user preferences.

4. Wallet Security Measures

  • Private Key Encryption: Keys remain encrypted, decrypting temporarily for transaction signing.

  • Biometric & Face ID Integration: An added layer of security for mobile versions.

  • PIN & Password Guard: Protects against unauthorized access.

  • Session Management: Features like auto-logout after periods of inactivity.

  • Secure Protocols: Uses HTTPS for safe web interactions.

5. User Experience and Web3 Interaction

  1. Access: Via the official Onchain AI wallet website.

  2. Initialization: Options to set up a new wallet or import an existing one using a mnemonic seed.

  3. Dashboard: View and manage assets, transactions, and more.

  4. Web3 Actions: Smoothly connect with dApps, verify transactions, and oversee other web3 tasks.

  5. Asset Management: Send, receive, and track asset movements.

6. Multi-Chain Compatibility & Supported Assets

  • Onchain AI Tokens: Native support for OCAI and associated tokens.

  • NFTs: Designed to cater to a myriad of NFT standards in the Onchain AI landscape.

  • EVM Chains: Versatile support extends to tokens and assets from other EVM chains.

  • Web Compatibility: Optimized for all major browsers.

7. Mobile Versions: iOS and Android

  • Native Apps: Dedicated applications designed for both iOS and Android platforms.

  • Feature Parity: All features available in the web version will translate seamlessly to the mobile versions.

  • Optimized User Interface: Tailored for smaller screens while maintaining usability and clarity.

  • Marketplace Integration: Direct integration with Apple App Store and Google Play Store for easy updates and downloads.

8. Integration with DApps

  • Web3 Provider: Ensures the wallet can effortlessly tether to web3-compatible dApps.

  • Permission Management: Users control which dApps can interact with their wallet.

  • Transaction Notifications: Real-time feedback on transaction statuses from dApps.

9. Back-Up and Recovery Process

  • Mnemonic Seed: A 12-word phrase generated during setup, critical for future wallet recovery.

  • Encouraged Offline Storage: Users are prompted to store the seed offline in secure locations.

  • Restoration Capability: Using the mnemonic seed, users can recover and initialize their wallet on any device.

10. FAQs

  • How does the Onchain AI Wallet differentiate from competitors? With native integration in the Onchain AI ecosystem, combined with broad EVM-chain compatibility, it offers an unmatched, versatile experience.

  • Will there be regular updates post-release? Yes, consistent updates are planned post-launch to introduce new features, improve security, and ensure compatibility with evolving tech.

11. Support & Troubleshooting

  • Tutorial Library: Comprehensive guides and walkthroughs for all wallet functionalities.

  • Community Forum: A space for users to share experiences, address common issues, and share feedback.

  • Support Desk: A dedicated team on standby to aid with any technical challenges or questions.

The Onchain AI Wallet, through its array of features and multi-chain compatibility, is strategically positioned to serve as a key gateway into the world of decentralized finance and applications. It will be launched in 2024.

Onchain AI Wallet alpha version is scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2024.

Last updated